Friday, December 21, 2007

The Sound Of Silence

The soothing lack of noise from my angels as they sleep peacefully is something I aspire to each night. There is an evil doppleganger to those tranquil bouts of silence. During the day, I fear it when there is no noise. This when stuffing the toilets with paper, scribbling on the walls, and letting the dogs eat breakfast occurs.

I doubt it's documented in developmentary psychology books like the sucking and grasping reflex, but silence during bouts of naughtiness seem ingrained. Worse is when they silently close the door. This is how I discovered my toddler yesterday jumping up and down in the baby's crib, holding my poor aged cat who was holding on for dear life.

Other than putting a bell around your kid's neck, what methods do you use to catch the sneaker in the act before a plumber needs to become involved?


Anonymous said...

i was never sure why sis stopped using the "baby" monitors after the nephew grew past the first year.

there are, in this unconstitutional age of authoritarian oppression, so many surveillance devices it makes my head spin. looking for something else, i found a huge list of surveillance equipment at ebay, most of it for the same prices as an HDTV. in your own home, i don't see why they are a 'bad' thing. not if you're a single parent or a parent with a limited ability to keep up with highly active children.

i suppose it sends the wrong message to kids, that there are cameras all over the house. but i just spent the week caring for the nephew as his mom gave birth to the second child, and he really ran me around! i would've been grateful for, at the very least, a baby monitor system such that i could've known where he was at all times. i tried, but even i couldn't be right there next to him 24/7.

...i suppose bad ideas like this are why i'm not a parent and shouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

We stopped using the baby monitor within the first couple of weeks. The house isn't so big that we couldn't hear her scream, and after a while the baby monitor just became kind of a pointless, obsessive bother. Her privacy had really nothing to do with it--as I'm still wiping her ass for her.


NYMary said...

Her privacy had really nothing to do with it--as I'm still wiping her ass for her.

With four kids, I find I'm rather more intimate with more people than one would hope. I guess polyamory isn't really for me.

At least fewer of them have claims on my tits, so that's something of a relief.

trifecta, are you saying you haven't yet developed your SpideySense?

trifecta said...

My ears do tingle when it's "Quiet, too quiet".

However, sometimes this is a bit too late. It's often when I am distracted with one that the other causes havoc.

The other day, the toddler wanted to get dressed to go outside, while I was doing that, the baby scootched to the christmas tree and started trying to teeth on the cord.

NYMary said...

I'm assuming you've already discovered the two-tiered tree decorating--anything fragile goes over 4', if at all.

trifecta said...

Oh yes. It's not just the kids. I have a neurotic dog who likes to mouth things continually. The tree is on a coffee table for some height, plus the ornaments that are bneakable are up top.