Thursday, December 27, 2007

Allow myself to introduce ... myself

Hello, I'm Troy McClure. You may know me from such films as ...

Oh, wait, sorry. Wrong introduction.

[shuffles papers]

Hello. I'm Sinfonian. You may know me from such blogs as Blast Off!, Pax Americana, and the Florida Progressive Coalition Blog. I'm here as the token divorced father with a different perspective on parenting. See, NYMary and Thers have the 137 kids and 137 snowsuits (imagine getting that family out the door in the morning!), trifecta has the happy home and precious baby and toddler, whiskey girl gives you the mommy side of things, and QL provides the sage wisdom of having been there and done that.

So, basically, I'm the biggest loser in this bunch. And I'll wear that mantle proudly.

My kids, known in the blogosphere as Jr., age 8, and Jrette., age 2, are amazing and gorgeous and brilliant and fortunately get all of that from Mommy's side of the family. They are thriving and very comfortable with the arrangements, which means going to Daddy's house every other weekend. Mommy and Daddy live about two hours apart on the east coast of Florida, and we get along very well. If there's one thing I've learned from this experience, it's that you have to behave in a way that is best for the kids at all times. Visitation, child care decisions, getting along with each other, all the things that go into parenting can still be handled and handled well by divorced parents.

But it's not all bluebirds and flowers. There are many frustrations about being a divorced father, too. For example, we have to applaud and praise Jrette. ceaselessly for going potty "like a big girl." When I go potty, sometimes I even go potty "like a big girl" and no one congratulates me. Where is the fairness in that? Incidentally, she throws like a girl, too, but that's for a different post ...

Anyway, I'm only here for the snacks, so you'll find me in the break room ... I'm genuinely pleased to be part of this blog. Enjoy.


trifecta said...

Welcome aboard Sinfonian.

Vox Populi said...

Oh that's GREAT !!!

I hope while in the break room that you go 'potty like a big girl' and NOTHING ELSE.

Anonymous said...

So now they let just anyone join this blog?

NYMary said...

When the first Mr. NYMary and I split in 1994, visitations were every weekend and when we handed the kiddle over, it was at brunch every Sunday. A friend of ours had told us that when her folks broke up, her dad continued to come to dinner one night a week, and that helped her a lot.

Breaking up is rough, especially with kids involved, but it's important to be a grownup about it.

And I trust that going to the potty like a big girl includes washing your hands, young man.

The Critic said...

I think going potty like a big girl is an excellent way to sneak a little more reading in during the day when you spend most of your time crawling around on the floor and giving horseyback rides and whatnot.

Other than that, allow me to introduce myself as well.

Hey, if I can't blogwhore my parenting blog on a parenting blog, where the heck can I?

Anonymous said...

Sinfonian--I, too, am genuinely pleased to be a part of this team. Barring technical difficulties, I hope to make my debut on Monday. I had contemplated changing my nym, since 'whiskey girl' may not receive the National Parenting seal of approval, but now that you've mentioned me, I'll stick with it!

You and I may be set up to be 'boys against girls,' but since I have been a single parent from the beginning, and am now seeing my parenting peers divorcing, it seems to me that what every parent needs is a (reasonable) ex-partner!

Looking forward to learning more...

The Critic said...

Awww...that was quick to make the blogroll. Thanks, everybody! Time to return the favor. To the batcave!

Sinfonian said...

Thanks for the images, NYMary.

I was too lazy. ;)

Sinfonian said...

So now they let just anyone join this blog?

Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are.