Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Festivus Miracle

The 8 month old decided today that scootching back on his head, and rolling around the living room carpet was not the most ideal mode of locomotion. He has made half hearted efforts to crawl before, today he is a baby of independence. I am both proud and freaked naturally. It was easier to contain the toddler when he was our only child. We just gated him after making sure the area was baby-proofed.

Four dogs and a three year old who considers a baby gate an affront to his manhood will make this a bit more difficult. Hot wheels cars with tiny tires that break off often are choking hazards that we need to manage with eagle eyes.

We likely are not having more children, so this is also a passing of a moment we will not experience again other than as grandparents. Watching the baby chase his brother down the hallway was absolutely delightful, until he misjudged the turn and banged his head into the wall.

But still, it is quite the Festivus miracle.

1 comment:

NYMary said...

Brace yourself, trifecta: it's only going to get worse.

Also, a warning: your kids are so fair that bruises, especialy those forhead ones, will stay visible forever. SP's daycare folks were a little shocked at his various bruises, all of different origins and ages.

Then they watched him run for five minutes, and all questions were answered.